The Water Quality of Deep Creek Lake

­1. What is Water Quality?
­* Water quality is a neutral term that relates to the composition of water as affected by natural processes and human activities
­* It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species and or to any human need or purpose

­2. Water quality standards are mandated by the EPA Clean Water Act

­3. Analyses of individual chemicals generally are done at a laboratory

­4. A water quality standard consists of four basic elements:
­* designated uses of the water body (eg, recreation, water supply, aquatic life, agriculture, protection)
­* water quality criteria to protect designated uses (numeric pollutant concentrations and narrative requirements)
­* an anti-degradation policy to maintain and protect existing uses and high quality waters.
­* general policies addressing implementation issues (eg, low flows, variances, mixing zones)

­5. Some aspects of water quality can be determined right in the stream or at the well.
­* Temperature
­* Acidity (pH)
­* Dissolved oxygen
­* Electrical conductance (an indirect indicator of dissolved minerals in the water)

­6. Why is it important to address water quality? ­* The quality of the water of Deep Creek Lake strongly affects the economic well-being of the County, its residents and property owners

­7. What is acceptable water quality?
­* Deep Creek Lake is defined as a ‘recreational’ and ‘power producing-water body.
­* EPA promulgated water quality criteria corresponding to an illness rate of 0.8% for swimmers in freshwater (the BEACH Act Rule of Nov 16, 2004)(based on a calculated risk level from 200 fecal coliform per 100 ml)

­8. How does water quality change?
­* Runoff from the land in the watershed
­* Spillage from water vessels and manmade things in the watershed

­9. What needs to be done to maintain our water quality?
­* Monitor the water
­* Monitor human activities in the watershed
­* Be able to forecast impact from natural and manmade changes in the watershed

­10. How can we best do this?
­* Establish an independently run program office that monitors all lake related activities
­* The office should take direction from an independent body of stake holders in the well being of the lake

­11. Who are the stake holders?
­* Everybody is a stakeholder
­* The Deep Creek Lake Property Owners Association and their following
­* Deep Creek Lake DNR
­* Friends of Deep Creek Lake
­* DNR Land Acquisition and Planning
­* The Deep Creek Lake Policy and Review Board
­* Concerned Citizens and Area Property Owners
­* Users of the lake (boaters, fishermen, divers, etc)
­* County Government
­* Maryland Department of the Environment
­* Federal Agencies (EPA, Corps of Engineers)
­* Others

­12. How do we get things started?
­* Defining the ‘flag bearer’
­* Have a ‘scientific’ conference to discuss the issues
­* Set in motion the resulting recommendations

First Published: 2017-11-05
Revised: 11/8/2017
Adapted for this website: 01/14/2018