1. Areas of Relevancy
  2. Index of Websites about R Functionality
  3. Bathymetry
  4. Erosion Glossary of Terms Used
  5. Youghiogheny Flow at the Tailrace
  6. Seiches
  7. Akima Interpolation
  8. MBA Interpolation
  9. Converting Data to MD SPCS
  10. Interpolating Scattered 3-D Data
  11. The Akima Method
  12. The Evolution of a Bathymetric Contour Map with A Test Problem
  13. The Evolution of a Bathymetric Map with A Test Problem
  14. Location of Coves (Update)
  15. Resolution of Interpolation Methods
  16. Isolating a Cove's Boundaries (Update)
  17. The Bathymetry
  18. Three Points on a Circle
  19. Reducing Old Surveying Data
  20. Smoothing Lake Level Data
  21. Groundwater Recharge Modeling
  22. Weather Forecasts
  23. Violations of the Lower Rule Band
  24. A Rule of Thumb
  25. A Summary of my Work on the Permit Issue
  26. Valid Data
  27. Real Time Automated Analysis
  28. The State Plane Coordinate System
  29. Interpolation Bibliogaphy
  30. New TER Thoughts
  31. Shapefiles
  32. Masking
  33. Interpolation
  34. My Coding Environment
  35. The Evolution of a Bathymetric Contour Map with A Test Problem
  36. Deep Creek Lake Bathymetry - 2017
  37. A Critique of the Current MDE Permit
  38. Processing the USGS River Gage Data
  39. A River Water Temperature Model
  40. Temperature Enhancement Releases (TERs)
  41. Bathymetric Maps with R - 2012
  42. The Effect of an Unusual Rain Event
  43. The Location of Boat Slips Around Deep Creek Lake
  44. Shoreline Erosion at Deep Creek Lake
  45. The Water Level of Deep Creek Lake
  46. Wavelets