title = “Experiments On The Stability Of Viscous Flow Between Eccentric Rotating Cylinders.”
date = 1969-06-01
authors = [“Versteegen, P. L”, “Jankowski, D. F.”]
publication = “Physics of Fluids 12, 1138 (1969)” publication_short = “In Physics of Fluids”
abstract = “The hydrodynamic stability of viscous flow between eccentric rotating cylinders has been studied experimentally. The ratio of the radii of the cylinders was 1: 2; several eccentricities were investigated. In the concentric configuration good agreement was achieved with previous experimental and theoretical work. Results obtained with the cylinders rotating in the same direction show that the effect of eccentricity can be stabilizing or destabilizing depending upon the speed of the outer cylinder and the amount of eccentricity. In the counterrotating case, a new flow phenomenon different from the usual vortex pattern was observed for large eccentricity.”
url_source = “https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.1692643"