title = “SIMULATE-E: a nodal core-analysis program for light-water reactors. Computer code user’s manual”
date = 1983-03-01
authors = [“D.M. Ver Planck”, “W.R. Cobb”, “R.S. Borland”, “P.L. Versteegen”]
publication = “EPRI-NP-2792-CCM”
Abstract “This report contains the methods descriptions and user’s manual for the light-water reactor nodal core-analysis computer program, SIMULATE-E. SIMULATE yields the distribution of fission power within the core in three-dimensional detail while including the significant effects of hydraulics, control systems and fuel depletion on the macroscopic cross sections. All calculations solve for volume average values using a nodalization of the core volume which is limited to equal sized nodes, 10 to 20 centimeters on each side. Several variants of conventional coarse mesh diffusion theory are available as options. The user should expect the code to predict a three-dimensional power distribution showing all of the features of the measured distribution; accuracy should be sufficient to enable effective detailed decision making by the utility staff. Substantial numbers of processing options and favorable benchmarking experience enable effective core follow, core design and licensing analyses for BWRs and PWRs.”
url_source = “https://www.osti.gov/biblio/6356533-simulate-nodal-core-analysis-program-light-water-reactors-computer-code-user-manual"