Areas of Relevancy

This is a list of references that I found useful in understanding the various R packages and functions and how to apply them to the various problems at hand.

  1. Grid and Ground Coordinate Systems - 2015
  2. A User’s Guide to the Maryland Coordinate System - 2013
  3. Projections and Coordinate Systems
  4. A First Course in Numerical Methods - 2011
  5. Numerical Computing with MATLAB
  6. MATLAB - Plotting - MatLab
  7. fplot - MatLab
  8. plot - MatLab
  9. linspace - MatLab
  10. Equivalent of MATLAB’s “hold on” function - MatLab
  11. MATLAB Syntax - 2021 - MatLab
  12. MATLAB - Basic Syntax - MatLab
  13. Barycentric Coordinates - 2007
  14. A Math Lover’s Guide to Hidden Markov Models - Markov Chains
  15. A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Time Markov Chains - Markov Chains
  16. Confusing Statistical Terms #5: Covariate - Statistics
  17. What is a Covariate in Statistics? - Statistics
  18. Two Sample t-test: Definition, Formula, and Example - Statistics
  19. Explanatory & Response Variables: Definition & Examples - Statistics

First published: 01/07/2022