Stake Holders

There are various stake holders involved in the work that is addressed on this website. Some have different interests than others. The challenge is in making the allocation of the water of Deep Creek Lake equitable to ALL stakeholders. This is not an easy task since there are many conflicting needs. This was recognized early on by Penelecin 1993 when control of the facility was moved from FERC to Maryland MDE. It should be noted that the ‘shallow water’ issue was seriously recognized back in 1993 when the rule-bands, white-water needs and TER were defined. Times have changed, and this is why the effort documented on this website got started. The following are the stake holders as perceived by me. Note: this may not be a complete list

 1. Brookfield, Inc. - Power generation and hence income. 2. The Deep Creek Lake Property Owners Association (POA) - This organization concerns with the interests of lake property owners. - POC: Bob Hoffman - 3. Friends of Deep Creek Lake (FoDCL)- This organization concerns with the interests of lake property owners, mostly the southern end of the lake. - POC: Barbara Beelar - 4. The Youghiogheny River Watershed Association (YRWA) - These stakeholders address environmental issues that impact the Youghiogheny watershed and hence the releases from the Deep Creek Project. - POC: Smoky Stanton - 5. Engage Mountain Maryland (EMM) An organization with various interest in the wellbeing of Garrett County - POC: Eric Robison - 6. The Town of Friendsville (TOF) Part of the Friendsville’s economy is based on white-water rafting when releases are scheduled by Brookfield - POC: Jesse Whittemore - 7. The Deep Creek Watershed Foundation (DCF) An organization established to raise funding for Deep Creek Watershed projects - POC: Pat Franc - Pat Franc -

It should be noted that, with time, the stake holders may change.

First Published: 9/16/2016
Updated: 10/17/2017